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Jonny Doin

Secure Embedded Systems specialist, Digital Logic designer, Analog Circuit designer, Embedded Realtime Architect. Worked his entire adult life as an Embedded Engineer (Hewlett Packard, FAST Electronic, Biomedical), and founded his first company in 2000. 

Founded GridVortex Systems in 2012 to design Secure Embedded Systems using state of the art Cryptography and Hard-Realtime systems for Smart Infrastructures. 

Active advocate of ISO 37120, 37122, 37123 adoption by Smart Cities, and an active Consultant for large Municipalities for Smart City Technologies. 

Jonny is a proponent of a Secure Ontology for ISO 37101 Smart Objects, and is publishing secure protocols and security requirements for Smart Cities.

He participates in Government steering groups for Cybersecurity in the IoT, and is an active Design Engineer of Critical Embedded Systems.

No session confirmed yet - stay tuned.